People ordered by Clatsop County Circuit Court not to consume alcohol will be required to wear ankle bracelets in the near future that track possible violations.
The county Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a contract Wednesday that will allow the Sheriff’s Office to kick-start the program. It will likely be implemented by August, Lt. Kristen Hanthorn said.
“That’s something we’ve been lacking,” she said. “It’s been an ask by our judges and our treatment courts.”
Daily costs to the Sheriff’s Office for using the product total more than $25,000 per year, according to estimates given by services contractor Vigilnet America LLC.
The Sheriff’s Office currently relies on urine tests to track offenders. Urine tests are sometimes passable with proper timing regardless of recent alcohol consumption. The bracelets automatically analyze body sweat every 30 minutes to ensure compliance.
Offenders both inside and outside of the county jail will be required to wear them, Hanthorn said.