Vigilnet is a privately held company. Vigilnet began business operations in 2006 and its sole purpose is to assist the justice community in monitoring and rehabilitating offenders. We have successfully partnered with various Law Enforcement agencies in the monitoring of well over 75,000 offenders.
Vigilnet prides itself on working with each jurisdiction individually to customize a service plan that is able to meet the needs of law enforcement at the most competitive prices. Vigilnet is an expert in providing electronic monitoring and other services aimed at increasing public safety in our communities. Vigilnet currently operates in 217 counties throughout Nebraska, Iowa, Washington, Oregon, Pennsylvania and New York. Vigilnet has quickly become one of the fastest growing offender monitoring organizations in the country.
Vigilnet is able to offer multiple billing and fee collection options to our customers. We believe in using flexible payment plans and sliding scales to address indigent offender populations that are in need of services and are required to pay for services themselves. Vigilnet can design a program that is wholly funded by participant fee payment or we can bill the government agency directly for services.
Vigilnet’s desire to provide highly flexible and attentive services alongside the most reliable monitoring equipment makes us a logical choice for many agencies. Whether the agency is in need of GPS tracking, alcohol monitoring, house arrest services, or private probation case management services, Vigilnet will be able to provide a high quality service at a fair price.